Newly Admitted Student Advice (MUST READ)

For most of you that have started lecturers, by now, am pretty sure the feelings you had the first day you saw your name on the list is different from now that you’ve tested college life.

In the former, you were very very happy! You felt like dancing shaku-shaku, gwara-gwara or zanku. But in the latter, you’re feeling tired. The waking up by 5/6 in the morning, the going for 7.00am lectures and coming back by 6.00pm, the eating once or twice in a day, the struggling of seat in lecture hall, the everything, might have made you wonder “is this the admission that made me happy”.

Well, I want you to know that YOU’RE NOT STRANGE! Almost every-other student (2nd year and above) felt the same way.


Dear freshers, please be informed that there are lots of things that will distract you from your studies but please stay focused.

As cliche as this might sound “your success as a student starts from year one “. Decide now what you want!

If you want first class or distinction, that’s cool! WORK towards it.

If you want to be a musician, comedian, blogger, programmer, Public speaker, Activist, fashion designer, real estate expert, Politician, etc, you can start that as a student.

READ MORE:  FUBK UTME/DE Admission Lists, 2023/2024 Released On School's Notice Board

Look for students who are already successful in that field and make them mentor/friends. But make sure it doesn’t distract you from graduating with your dream result.

While settling your mind for a result you want to graduate with, be informed that most organizations/companies accepts a minimum of second class lower (2:2) or its equivalent for employment. Some do insist on Second Class upper (2:1) or its equivalent as minimum.

If you want to graduate with at least second class lower or lower credit, DO NOT WORK TOWARDS SECOND CLASS LOWER. This is because you will eventually graduate with Third class or pass.

Its recommended that you set your target to SECOND CLASS UPPER or UPPER CREDIT. This way even if you miss what you’re working for, you will graduate with your dream result.

This also applies to second class upper (2:1) or UPPER CREDIT aspirants. Don’t read for that, READ FOR FIRST CLASS or DISTINCTION and if it doesn’t work out, you will graduate with your dream result.

How to Know the Result you will graduate with.

If you get parallel A in all your courses, THEN YOU ARE IN FIRST CLASS / DISTINCTION (and most times will graduate as the best in your department/faculty/SCHOOL)

If you get most of A’s and few B’s you are still in FIRST CLASS / DISTINCTION.

READ MORE:  FPE 17/18 ACADEMIC SESSION REGISTRATION: Management Announces deadline for freshers (SEE DATE)

If you get few of A’s, most of B’s and few C’s then you’re in second class upper or UPPER CREDIT. Sometimes you will still be in same category if you get some D’s.

However, If you have very few A’s, few B’s most of C’s and D’s you’re a Second Class Lower or LOWER CREDIT student.

If after your FIRST YEAR RESULT you’re in already in your ”dream result” then try to maintain it. If you’re below it try to work harder!

Finally, try learn some other things aside your area of specialization. THIS WILL HELP YOU IN LABOUR MARKET.

If you’re a Christian or Muslim, then remember to commit all your activities/aspirations into God’s hands… HE WILL SURELY SEE YOUR THROUGH.

THAT WHICH is difficult for you, He will make it easy!

If you’re not a Christian or Muslim, then pray to what you believe in and pray he blesses you effort.

The Naijaparry Team prays your beautiful dreams comes true!