6 Crazy things ladies do. (Number 4 will shock you)

– Ladies, stop introducing your boyfriends as your husbands

– Don’t frustrate yourself over a guy

When you are in a relationship, there are lots of things you can do to prove that you love your guy. While we consider some spontaneous and cool, others are not.

Below are some of the crazy things girls do

Introduce him as your husband

This is one of the crazy things ladies do. When a guy has not yet married you, then he is not your husband. You can check the dictionary for more clarification. Don’t introduce him as such, and don’t act like you are his wife.

Some ladies would become his cook, his mother, his cleaner and laundry girl before he proposes. That is so not cool. What if he does not marry you at the end of the day? All your efforts would be a waste.

Make ridiculous lists

Many girls love to make ridiculous lists. This is also one of the crazy things girls do. They would sit down and critically analyse the kind of guy they want to get married to. If you take a look at this list, you would see something like, ‘I want a guy that is tall, dark and handsome, Holy ghost filled and naira loaded’.

Ladies, please take a look around and check out the number of guys that would be able to meet up with that specification. what you see will amaze you.

Abort for a guy

When the guy says he is not yet ready for marriage and you mistakenly get pregnant, he would beg you to abort the baby, and you would go on and on aborting for him, what if he leaves you? Or what if he marries you and you are not able to give birth to a child for him?

Even if guilty conscience do not make him have extra marital affairs, his mother may bring in someone else for him to marry.

Ask a guy out

Some girls fast and pray wanting God to reveal their man to them. When God reveals it, still wait. Do not go and propose to him. How do you intend to even do it? Where, how, when?… I know that some ladies do it abroad, but in Nigeria, people consider it as absurd. The old-fashioned thing is for a lady to pose while the guy proposes.

Tattoo his name on your body

If you think he loves you so much and marriage to him is sure, don’t do something permanent to emphasize your love for him, like tattoo his name or face on your body, what would happen if one day, shit happens and he is no longer in the picture?

Would you look for his namesake and force him to marry you? What if you don’t find one, don’t deceive yourself believing that another guy will want you when your body obviously belongs to someone else.

Fight over your man

This is one of the crazy things girls do. Never do that. It is too risky. Some would pray so hard, and even go to night vigils and others would use juju to try to take over their man spiritually. Stop it. That is a sign of desperation.

What if the lady you are fighting brutalizes you in the process?

If you know that you are guilty of one of the things above, stop it. Be simple. Be yourself. Don’t do anything that can be considered extreme for anybody.

If you die tomorrow, life goes on. The guy would mourn you for some years and then get married to someone else

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