What To Do After COVID Vaccination – Advice
Congratulations! You got your first dose of protection against the Covid-19. But, before you go on a getaway or socialization spree, you should know that getting vaccinated doesn’t mean total immunity against the virus. You are still susceptible as the millions of others who already took their first jabs, even those who completed the two doses.
What to do after COVID vaccination?
For starters, you’re expected to go through the whole process of dealing with the vaccine’s possible side effects, what and what not to do in public situations. Here are some things you should do and prepare for after getting jabbed with the vaccine.
1. Eat and Drink Healthy
If you’re part of the vaccinated population taking their first shot, you should be informed of the possible side effects the vaccine can bring. Common symptoms include but are not limited to; fever, soreness of the injected arm, fatigue, and other flu-like symptoms.
For you to prepare for the side effects, eat healthy foods and drink lots of fluids. They won’t directly remove any side effects, but they can surely make you bear them a bit better. Remember that these side effects mean that the vaccine is working its magic by mimicking a coronavirus attack so your body can produce the much-needed antibodies against the real deal.
Besides, eating healthy makes you less susceptible to other diseases, so that’s a win-win situation for you!
2. You Still Need To Wear A Mask
The CDC has announced that vaccinated people are no longer required to wear masks in most public areas and outdoor spaces, but this doesn’t mean you won’t wear them ever.
Public transportations like buses, taxis, and planes might require you to wear one as part of their protocol, as well as certain business establishments as they reserve the right for patrons and shoppers to comply with their guidelines to establish complete protection against the virus.
This may sound discouraging, but the mask not only serves to protect you but also to protect those around you and lower the chances of transmission, and it doesn’t mean you’re vaccinated. You are immune from the virus. However, you can still get infected, so it’s best to comply with the health care protocols to protect yourself and others.
3. Keep Your Vaccination Records Handy
Part of the vaccination process is for you to have your vaccination card. The card usually keeps timestamps of your recent covid shots until vaccinations. Therefore, it is imperative to keep it safe or have a copy as proof of your vaccination.
Your vaccine card is your only ticket to participate in certain events and large gatherings. Some countries would also require a full-vaccinated passenger to gain access to their country. Having a vaccine card helps track your progress and gain access to some locations in and out of the country.
4. Keep Your Overall Health on Track
Being vaccinated means getting back to your dentist and clinician for a complete check-up. In addition, since you are considered protected and less likely to transmit the virus, specific clinics and health offices are now open for limited health and dental care appointments.
The pandemic has postponed many patients who were on schedule for surgeries and health services. So now’s the time to get in touch with your doctor and make sure you’re on track with your health!
5. You Can Get Back To Your Friends and Family
Perhaps the best advantage for vaccinated people is they can reconnect and hug their friends and family. But, unfortunately, the pandemic has brought many people away from their families, and they cannot return to their homes.
Because you are vaccinated, travel restrictions are more lenient, and you can easily cross state borders or fly back, provided that you have a vaccine card ready to prove that you’ve taken the shot. The best part is, you don’t even need to wait until they have their shot. As long as you’re vaccinated, then that’s good enough to give your family member a good, tight hug.
6. Keep Track and Prepare for the Second Shot/Boosters
The vaccination program is subject to change depending on how the virus would progress. While the current program states a person should have at least two shots to be declared fully vaccinated, specific mutations or health issues might warrant a booster shot.
Booster shots are typically given when the immunization effect goes away or the primary virus has mutated in a way that counters the current antibodies you have. We don’t know what the CDC has decided yet, but it’s best to practice proper sanitation and full compliance with the health protocols, even when you’re vaccinated.
Final Thoughts
Covid-19 is a severe risk to humanity, and vaccines exist to keep you protected and achieve global herd immunity to your community. Being vaccinated creates a first step for your protection as well as for others. But, overall, we still need to prepare for anything until this whole pandemic has been cleared.