5 Ways To Punish Your Girlfriend Emotionally (Simple But…)

Punishing is a bit of a touchy subject. You obviously never want to tell a woman outright that you will punish her for her actions – she’ll view you as calculating, and hence manipulative. So the best way is to take action. If you like to be in control, this should work for you just fine.

Here are 5 ways to punish your girlfriend if she misbehaves:

1. Withdraw your attention.

If she starts acting bitchy and insulting you look bored. Give her less of your attention. Let your eyes drift away slightly and glaze over. Slowly lean back in your seat. Let your interest start fading out and pulling away. It’s important to seem subtle and not overly demonstrative so it doesn’t look childish.

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2. Be dismissive.

When women say things you don’t like, it’s okay to be dismissive and change the topic. For instance, if a woman is telling you about her ex-boyfriend, then suddenly tells you she thinks all men are pigs, you might reply with something like, “[sigh] Only the ones that live in barnyards. So anyway, what happened after your found out your ex had another girlfriend?” This way you can progress to a more productive conversation.

3. Go quiet.

Assuming she texts you insults. You can choose not to reply which may anger her at first, but after a while of no response she may calm down, realize her mistake and even apologize.

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4. Put her in her place.

Let her know straight up not to ever say some things to you, or insult you. Sound firm and stern, she may even find this a bit sexy or feel very apologetic.

5. Spank her.

You’ll probably both enjoy it.