5 Childish Excuses Guys Make All The Time

1. Ooopps, I Forgot

When you have reminded your man a million times about that date and he makes an excuse saying that it slipped out of his mind, this is for sure a naive excuse. If you men can’t make it, we women would appreciate that you’re open to us by spilling out the truth.

2. I’m Extremely Busy

No one can be extremely busy, unless it is done on purpose. There is always time to spare around. Telling you that he is busy is up to your neck, and hence is one of the common excuses all men love to drag about.

3. I Couldn’t Get Through The Line

Most men forget to call their lady back and pass it off as if they have ‘sincerely’ forgotten to make that one call. Well, guys, we understand what you’ve really been up to!

4. Can We Sleep Now

Texting into the wee hours of the morning can be romantic, but what happens when that unexpected fight strikes, what does any man do? He will try to avoid it at any cost by exclaiming that he is extremely tired and ready to tuck into bed.

5. I Got Stuck In Traffic

This is an eternal excuse guys make to their girlfriends when they are late for that date. We ladies think it is time you guys come up with new excuses, or perhaps try the truth!

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