How to Transfer Data on 9MOBILE (ETISALAT)

Most people are not aware they can transfer data on their 9mobile to another 9mobile. Etisalat which was later rebranded to 9mobile has made it possible for their users to be able to transfer data from their etisalat lines to another user on etisalat or 9mobile.

Just like transferring airtime from etisalat to etisalat, you can actually do the same with your data. You can share or transfer data to your family and friends who are low on data or you transfer to your other etisalat sims in your other devices like modem, tablet etc.

This will even help you save a lot of cost acquired by subscribing multiple times for different sims. You can just transfer some data to your other sims and enjoy access to the internet with those sims. So let’s quickly see how you can transfer data on your etisalat line to another etisalat.

How to share data on 9mobile

Before you can be able to transfer data on etisalat or 9mobile, ensure you have an active plan with data in it – Your subscription to an etisalat data plan that has not expired or exhausted and of course the etisalat number you want to transfer data to.

Unlike other telecom operators etisalat data transfer requires a transfer pin. This is a short pin that will enable your transfer data to another sim.

Before now you’ve already being assigned a default transfer pin which is 0000, if it’s your first time this is the pin that will be given to you for making data transfer.

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You can either go ahead with this default pin or you can change it to your own personal pin you can remember and unknown to anybody else.

It’s advisable to change this default pin to your own personal pin for security reasons and to avoid unauthorized transfer of your data by unauthorized persons.

How to change etisalat data transfer pin

To change your transfer on etisalat (9mobile) dial; *247*Old/Default Pin*New Pin#.

Default Pin – If this is your first change of pin, then your default pin is 0000
New Pin – The personal pin you want to change to e.g 3874 (it must be four(4) digits)

Then dial; *247*0000*3874#.
You will receive a message like this; “Your PIN change request is successful”
From then you can start using that pin for making data transfer.

You can can still change this New Pin to another New Pin you want using the above code but when changing it note that your New Pin/Current Pin is now the “Old Pin” so use it to replace the “Default Pin” section and add your New Pin

E.g; if you want to change 3874 to another New pin like 2983, then dial; *247*3874*2983#.
From then you’ll start using your new pin to transfer data on your etisalat.

After changing your default or old pin to a new pin, you can go ahead to the next step which is the data transfer.

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How to transfer data from 9mobile to 9mobile

If you have the above things in check you can then proceed to transfer your data. To transfer your data on etisalat dial; *229*Transfer Pin*Amount of Data*Recipient’s Phone Number#

Let’s say the Amount of Data you want to transfer is 50mb and Recipient’s Phone Number is 080XXXXXXXX (the etisalat number of the person you want to transfer your data to), with your Transfer Pin maybe 2983 (depending on what you changed or you use 0000 default pin)

Then dial; *229*2983*50*080XXXXXXXX#
You’ll recieve a message confirming your successful transfer and the recipient will be notified of your data transfer to them.

Note: You can’t transfer more than 250mb a day and can only transfer 50mb at a time. To transfer 250mb to someone, you’ll have to transfer 50mb five times.


That’s how to transfer data on etisalat to etisalat and how to change your etisalat data transfer pin. Don’t forget to share this post to your family and friends using the share buttons on this post.

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