NIGERIA DEMOCRACY: A Blessing Or A Curse To The Nation

Democracy by definition and dispensation suppose to be a blessing to any nation practising it including but not limited to Nigeria in Africa.

Democracy is a blessing to every country that has practiced democracy the right way. Mark my words “the right way”.

The cornerstone of democracy is freedom. Freedom to live and let others live, Freedom to do the right thing otherwise be prosecuted to the highest degree that the law permits without any fear or favor.

Nigeria is a great country, blessed with both human and material resources. The politicians in Nigeria have really messed up the country with the exception of a few. Corruption is at a level never imagined, democratic structures are too many and are very expensive to maintain. There is total neglect and lack of planning for the next generation of Nigerian.

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The youth are living without a future The supplemental sources of Nigeria’s revenue built in the 60’s and 70;s are nonfunctional or dead due to lack of leader with foresight.

The problems caused by the actors of Nigeria democracy are many but are there solutions to these problems; my answer is a bold YES. Nigerians are brilliant and have done well in the communication sector. The financial and technology sectors are quickly catching up with the world. The basic need of an average citizen – Clean water, power and light, road, food and employment are lost.

Nigeria is like a man that fell from the top of the Eiffel Towers, he needs treatment for different parts of his body to survive his injuries.

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There is hope for Nigeria……

Isa Abass Usman:
Political science:
University of Ilorin.

2 thoughts on “NIGERIA DEMOCRACY: A Blessing Or A Curse To The Nation

  1. Every democracy is always a blessing and never a curse nigeria is blessed and we must appreciate everyday as a blessing.

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