How To Make A Girl Get Obsessed With You

Be the guy that every girl dreams of and then you will be able to make a girl get obsessed with you.

We will teach you how to be the perfect guy and strike her heart.


If you are hanging around with guys it actually does not matter what clothes are you wearing and if you haven’t shaven your facial hair. But when it comes to girls and especially the girl you want to impress this is the area you have to work out. So here are the few normal things you can do to look descent and attractive to girls.

  1. Take a bath everyday and wear descent and washed clothes that match your size.
  2. Use a deodorant to smell nice.
  3. Go for a well shaved hair.
  4. Go to the gym to burn those extra fats as girls like a toned and fit body.

It is not at all important to buy costly clothes, perfumes and shoes to look good. Buy and wear clothes that fits properly and you look descent in it.


Being a friend means she knows you and have few conversations, but don’t be always available to her. This means don’t stay or chat with her all the time, maybe you like to chat with her, but being with her all the time will actually make you fall in the friend zone. If is in your college or at your workplace or anywhere just have small conversation. Avoid calling her or picking up her phone and reply to her text after an hour. Let her know that you were a little busy that is why you could not answer. Creating an image of a mysterious person is what girls actually like. And if you are already in this zone you can read the tricks at the bottom to escape from this zone and make the girl obsessed with you.


Many men have ego that why should we converse the topics a girls like and why can’t the girls talk about the like of a boy. Well, the answer is that you are the one who is interested in her and when she becomes interested in you, then she will definitely like to listen about what you like. At the initial stages where you want to make a girl obsessed with you and want the girl to be your girlfriend then it is better to either talk what she is fond of or find a common topic to chat. Never include your knowledge about religion, politics, tech, cars and business. Sport is also a topic to be avoided, but nowadays many girls are taking interest in this topic. So ask her what she likes, do some research and make the conversation interesting.

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A formal way of complimenting and flirting with make her feel good. Don’t be nervous when complimenting her. With confidence and a smile on your face tell her she looks beautiful when she smiles. Learn some flirting techniques and keep it simple, just casually flirt with her. Complimenting her smile, lips, hair, eyes and style are some of the best one at the start. Simple complimenting and flirting will make you keep out of the friend zone. Suppose the girl says you are such a big flirt then your reply should be, “I am not flirting. I am just trying to be very nice to a girl who is very attractive”. Learn these simple tricks and she will feel about you not just as friend, but more than it. Flirting is an important step to learn to make a girl obsessed with you.


It could be possible that the girl has also developed interest in you, but if she finds out that you flirt with many girls that it can ruin everything. To make her adore you she must believe that you are only interested in her. I am definitely not asking you to stop talking to girls, but don’t flirt or do things which make her feel that you are not interested for a relationship.

But at the same time, hang around with girls to show your girl some competition. Now, you will be thinking that what the hell is Daniel speaking, just in the above paragraph he said that we must make the girl feel serious that the boy is interested in her and here is saying that hang out with girls. So my friends I am sorry because God has made these girls so complicated.

Talk to many girls around you and go out with them, but the only thing is that don’t flirt with any of them and especially in front of her. Many times a boy starts getting signals that the girl has started becoming attracted towards him and just to make her jealous you start flirting with others. My advise is to keep the flirting only to your girl and within some days you will start ruling her heart.

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In a conversation you should have the ability to always bring a smile to her face. Now after few of your conversations with her she would have become quite comfortable in your presence so you can start talking about funny incidents that can make her laugh. Many boys execute this step in a wrong way, they actually think they bringing a smile means cracking some nutty jokes or passing comments on others. Always keep smiling because according to a research the expressions on your face are going to reciprocate by the person in front of you. So stay comfortable to make her comfortable and let her know some of the funny incidents of your life.


It is important to show the girl how you spend your life which is quite fun and adventurous. You don’t have to say anything, nowadays we have facebook and instagram. On every weekend you can upload some of your cool pictures like when you are playing sport or a trip, movie or shopping or any party. You need to show that girl that you are not a person who just sits at his house playing games, but you have a very exiting life. This will help develop a deep interest and she will start thinking of you all the time.


Now by this time you will understand whether she has been attracted to you or not. If yes then she is probably looking ahead that you ask her out, so develop some confidence take her on a date. This is going to be your first date and hence you need to take special care to make everything cool and romantic. Make her feel comfortable and after the date she will ask you out for a second one. This is the best time when you can make her obsessed about you and make her think about you. So the first date is very very important.