Big Brother Titans 2023 Week 10 Nomination Result

BBTitans Week 10 Nomination Result 2023 | Week 10 Nomination Result in BBTitans 2023 | BBTitans Week 10 Nomination Result

Only the Week 10 winners of the Head of House game in the BBTitans are safe from possible eviction this week of the Ziyakhala Wahala season and the assistant.

Results for Nominations of Week 10 of BBTitans 2023 are here as all the housemates finish their regular live nominations for season 1.

The nomination was completed successfully as the housemates went inside the dairy room to nominate fellow housemates in the reality TV show.

BBTitans 2023 Week 10 Nomination Result

Housemates with the least votes stand a chance to be evicted from reality come this Sunday.

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Make sure you vote to save your favorite housemate.

Unlike when the HoH only nominates the housemates for possible eviction, now all the housemates have to nominate each other for possible eviction.

Nomination Result For Week 10 In BBTitans 2023

Below are the housemates nominated during tonight’s live nomination show in BBTitans 2023.

1TsatsiiKhosi & Blaqboi
2KhosiJustin & Kanaga Jnr
3BlaqboiThabang & Justin
4EbubuThabang & Khosi
5IpelengKhosi & Thabang
6Kanaga JnrThabang & Khosi
7YvonneThabang & Blaqboi
8ThabangKanaga Jnr & Yvonne
9JustinKanaga Jnr & Khosi

BBTitans Housemates Up For Eviction Week 10

2Kanaga Jnr3
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Big Brother Titans Week Voting Poll

[ays_poll id=21]

Now there are your awaited nominees of the week!

Stay connected for the latest nominated news from Big Brother Titans 2023 TV show.

4 thoughts on “Big Brother Titans 2023 Week 10 Nomination Result

    1. Hope Tanbang is save because I saw the polls , no one should deny the young man what he has earn ooo..
      I can’t see Yvoone votes but she keep moving on.

    2. I am so so happy my Favourite Khosi made it to the finale, she didnt need a Veto Power or Head of House assistance to carry her through to the Finale, Us her Fans made it a point, She has stood the test of time, She has broke the Record! nominated every Week, not winning the Tasks, not winning Head of House tasks, still she stood the Test of Time, Khosi is the Titans Content, she plays her Game very well , History is repeating itself, Mphowabadimo also stood the test of time, she was nominated every week, No Head of House win, but walked away with the ultimate prize, Let Khosi walk away with her money and stay blessed! We Love you Khosi Twala.

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