Big Brother Mzansi Nominations : Housemates For Eviction This Week 3

Yesterday marked surprising triumphs that usher in a new dynamic inside Biggie’s House.

Biggie’s Double Eviction dealt new blows to the leisurely pace at which the Housemates had been moving this whole time.

Monday started out with a chilled atmosphere as they had to process Biggie’s blind side. “People had been acting like they are on vacation“, Tulz fessed up in his Diary Session.

Mphowabadimo echoed the sentiment in the Diary Room, saying, “It really showed the Housemates that we are here to win. You need to do what needs to be done to stay in the House. People need to up their game because it’s real. It could be. It could be you.”

The Live Show led to a rude awakening for many of the Housemates, who were seen revisiting their crumbling alliances in a hurried bid to restore their sense of control. The game has been blown open. The stakes have never been higher. Add to that, the new Head of House and Deputy Head of House didn’t emerge from expected circles.

As if that’s not enough, the Housemates betted 100% on the Wager Task. They’ve been listening to Biggie, who’s been dragging them for their lacklustre performances in the last two Wager Tasks. More than upping their game, betting everything after only risking (and still losing) only 25% last week, is a sign that they are now willing to bet on themselves.

If the Housemates are serious about securing their first win of the Wager Task, they are going to have to make some changes. Sis Tamara, who was crowned the new Head of House, will be the captain of that ship. They take over the reins as tension mounts in the House.

Alliances are forming and crumbling even faster, desperate attempts at securing favour are seen at an accelerated rate, and the Housemates have already suffered two crushing losses. Will Sis Tamara be the one to change this pattern of losses and ring in a new era?

Yoli took Deputy Head of House. With these two now in the driver’s seat, it’s becoming clear that this game has no favourites. One week you are in, and the next you are in the dust. This will also mark Terry’s second week chilling in the HoH Bedroom. Joining the besties is Thato, whom Sis Tamara selected, as Vyno, whom Terry picked.

These major shifts in the game led to an interesting Nominations night. Biggie summoned the HoH and their DHoH to make their Nominations, from which the next Housemate to exit the House will emerge. Sis Tamara would pull a major move that switches up the game. Using their Veto Powers, they elected to save Tulz, who’d been nominated by Yoli. In his place, Sis Tamara added Zino. As both Sis Tamara and Yoli remarked, ‘Heavy is the head that wears the crown’. Decisions had to be made in the best interest of advancing the game.

Less appealing are the effects these decision could have on their relations in the House. As it came out today in the Diary Sessions, the fact that Terry and Themba were the ones who made last week’s Nominations could have placed a target on their backs. For this reason, Themba feared that unless he wins HoH, he would be nominated. As it turns out, he was right.

The 7 Housemates who are nominated for possible Eviction this coming Sunday are, in their alphabetical order, Acacia, Mphowabadimo, Nale, Nthabii, Themba, Vyno and Zino are up for possible Eviction this coming Sunday.⁣

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