BBMzansi: How Sis Tamara Won This Week’s Friday Night Games

The Big brother Friday Night Games required speed, flexibility, and hand-eye coordination. The Big brother Friday Night Games required speed, flexibility, and hand-eye coordination.

Sis Tamara BBMzansi

This week’s course boasted five challenges. Biggie gave the Housemates a bit of time to walk around and familiarise themselves with the games, without touching anything before he read them the rules.

Terry reminded the housemates to have fun, and Tulz anticipated that rounds four and five would be difficult to crack.

The course had five stations and there were numbers and arrows on the floor to guide the housemates with clear markings of ‘start’ and ‘finish’.

BBMzansi Friday Night Games challenges:

  1. Limbo – The Housemates were not allowed to touch the bar and they had to cross to the other side while facing up. If they crossed in another position they would have a 30 seconds penalty added to their time in the end. The penalty applied if they moved on to the next challenge without getting it right.
  2. Pooh noodle hoops – The Housemates had to use one or both feet to make it through the noodle. They had to start again if they fell outside of the hoop, and would not be able to move on if they did not pass the challenge, unlike the first one.
  3. Coconut bowling – There was a small basket filled with coconuts and the housemates had to roll the coconut to knock down the pins. They could have as many attempts as needed until the pins were all knocked down. as many attempts until pins were all knocked down
  4. Garland flower toss – This game was similar to toss the ring. The Housemates had to throw the garland over the bamboo sticks – any of the two and one garland landing was enough to move on.
  5. Feed the totem – The Housemates had to land one ball into the open mouth of any of the totems and once they had achieved that they could go and stand at the finish line where the buzzer went off to indicate that the course was completed.

The Housemate with the quickest would win the challenge and they would have to record their time on the scoreboard.

The Games Night started with the Head of House, Terry, who did not complete the course and got stuck at challenge four, where the five-minute allocation given to each Housemate lapsed.

There were a lot fewer disqualifications than last week which meant that the Housemates listened to the rules this week and this was great to see especially because Biggie had called them out for not following instructions in their Diary sessions in the afternoon.

Dinkybliss and Thato tied at 01:27, and you could hear Dinky scream, “yes girl, me and you” to Thato as she had set the record first.

The Housemates all did well this week and Tulz even called Biggie ‘Grootman’. In third place we had Norman with 32 seconds, Nale came second with 31 seconds and the night was won by Sis Tamara who set a record-breaking 30 seconds.

Biggie even chipped in and said, “The game really isn’t over until sis Tamara sings.” After celebrating with a twerk, Biggie told the Housemates that they could leave the Arena!

The winner of the #BBMzansi Friday Night Games is Sis Tamara at 30 seconds. 🔥

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