As Valentine’s Day is OVER! – BBMzansi 2022

After the inevitable lovey-dovey vibes of yesterday, it’s time to pour some cold water on the Big Brother steaminess.

As everybody is no doubt painfully aware, yesterday was Valentine’s Day, and the whole world was going on about it. It was the top trend in multiple locations, corporate accounts tried to get in on the action (as they usually do, with hilarious ham-fistedness). Big Brother Mzansi was no different – Biggie arranged a special Valentine’s picnic for the Housemates, complete with heart-shaped photobooths, pink balloons, et al.

We don’t mean to sound like cantankerous misanthropes, but it can all get a bit much, even if one is in a fulfilling and loving relationship. Everything just gets so… pink. If you are one of those people who – by circumstance or choice – is not involved in a romance, then it really can get on your nerves. For all of you – and who doesn’t enjoy a little bit of schadenfreude – we thought we’d look at some of the relationships in the Big Brother House that failed to take shape, as well as those ships that look to be sailing a little too close to the rocks.


This is the most obvious of the lot. Acacia made no bones about the fact that she felt terribly treated by B.U. after she made it clear that she had a crush on him, and he chose to devote his affections to Venus, instead. We’re not sure how she thinks she has a claim, here. He’s free to be attracted to whomever he likes, and it’s not like calling “dibs” has any real legal basis. In the end, Acacia’s determination to be bitter about it may have played more than just a small role in her appearing on every list of Nominations.

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It turns out that Acacia could perhaps have played it a little cool. Venus has – on numerous occasions and at great length – told B.U. that she’s not sure she can trust him. His obvious friendship with Yoli is a particular sore point, although she also takes great pains to say that it’s really not a problem, no way, it’s all cool – only to then say that it’s the reason she doesn’t see a future with him.

To confuse the matter even further, she then proceeded to be super-affectionate with B.U. during yesterday’s Valentine’s lunch, which had viewers wondering what, exactly, she was playing at. Perhaps she’s unsure, herself.

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Yoli is embroiled in another triangle, and this one is a little weird. Vyno has been Terry’s squeeze since very soon after he joined the House, and he always tells Big Brother that he’s very happy with her. He did, however, tell Yoli that he was actually attracted to her, and that Terry, “just happened”. Yoli – for her part – seemed entirely surprised by this revelation and was laughing out loud as she told Norman about it.

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Not surprising, then, is the idea that Terry and Vyno’s relationship might be less than perfectly stable. There has always been speculation that it has always been more strategic than romantic, and Vyno’s proclamation to Yoli seems to support that idea, and Terry seems to be entirely clear-eyed about the direction of the relationship. During a recent Diary Session, she told Biggie that she “can’t deny that [she] still [doesn’t] trust him.”

“I’m tired of having to look over his shoulder for him,” she went on. She said that this week, “he has to come with a different energy, otherwise I might put him up for Nomination, because he would need a reality check.” Well, she didn’t have the opportunity, but the reality check came – he was among the final Nominations, anyway.

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Right now, this relationship looks well and truly dead. While Libo and Mpho became friendly early in the game, and that friendship looked ready to turn into a full-blown romance, Mpho quickly put paid to that. She accused him of blowing hot and cold, with the chillier moments being when there was nobody around to witness him being hot, as it were. “One minute,” she said, “he will be telling me he wants us to be together,” but he will – eventually – be distant when it doesn’t convert to physical intimacy.

Following this Diary Session, the tension between the two of them was aaaaaawwwwwkwaaaaaard! When Libo insisted that they talk about the elephant in the room, Mphowabadimo obliged, and proceeded to eviscerate him. Libo put up a valiant effort at defending himself, it must be said. Right now, though, it doesn’t look like it’s going to be enough – any subsequent interaction between the two has been platonic, at best. Their fortunes have also switched – Mpho has just survived an Eviction, and Libo finds himself under threat, this coming Sunday.

It’s still early days. We’re not even halfway through the season, so some of these ships might still sail, and others might sink to the gloomy depths of unrequited love. We wait, we watch, and we see.

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