Abba Kyari HushPuppi: Ramon Abbas confesses he bribed top police officer to arrest partner in N451 billion scam

Suspected internet fraudster, Ramon Abbas, aka Ray Hushpuppi, has told American authorities he bribed a top police officer in Nigeria for one of his schemes.

Kyari, a deputy commissioner, is the commander of the Inspector General of Police Intelligence Response Team and highly regarded in security circles.

He was recently honoured by the House of Representatives for his hard work and outstanding performance.

However, a federal grand jury indictment unsealed in the United States of America this week alleges that he was in bed with Hushpuppi, a flashy internet fraudster arrested in Dubai last year.

Court documents noted that Hushpuppi arranged for Kyari to have one Kelly Chibuzo Vincent arrested following a conflict over an ongoing scam the two were running on a businessman.

Abba Kyari
Abba Kyari

The two fraudsters conspired with others to steal more than $1.1 million from a businessperson attempting to finance the construction of a school for children in Qatar.

A dispute between the duo forced Vincent to contact the victim to expose the fraud, prompting his partner to take him out with a high-ranking law enforcement officer in Nigeria.

According to the affidavit, Kyari carried out the request and sent Hushpuppi photographs of an imprisoned Vincent, as well as account details for his payment.

Hushpuppi is no longer part of the indictment, but six other people have been indicted in the international scheme.

Court filings made public this week show the internet fraudster has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to engage in money laundering with the schemes causing more than $24 million in losses.

He faces a maximum of 20 years in prison when he’s sentenced later by a Los Angeles court.

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