7 Deadly Workplace Mistakes New Employees Should Avoid

Starting a new job is both exciting and challenging at the same time.

There is that hard bit of trying to fit in, yet you also have to learn how the system works and prove that you can actually do your role to the best of your knowledge.

As a new employee, some factors need to be considered for success at your job.

But first, take note of certain mistakes, as shown below, in order to thrive at your new workplace.

1. Fearing to speak up

Jackie Kantengwa, an accountant in Kigali explains that having completed university, she was lucky to get a job right away but most of the people she met at work were experienced, something she says intimidated her.

She notes that as the new employee, she was so quiet that she feared to express her thoughts even when she had something to say.

Kantengwa discourages this form of behaviour saying that it might signal being aloof, which is not good at the workplace.

2. Taking on every assignment

It’s not advisable to accept every task assigned to you since this may lead to poor performance or failure to perform altogether.

Many new employees take on too many assignments and then fail to deliver. Failing to deliver on time or delivering at all, is just an indicator of unseriousness. It is necessary to set standards that you can achieve, Kantengwa says.

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3. Gossiping

Gossiping is a turn off. According to the Muse, a career platform, telling stories about your terrible previous job and the awful co-workers and boss you had there is so immoral. Although those stories may generate a few laughs—but as a brand new addition to the team, they can also put you in a negative light. Hearing you gripe about your prior colleagues can make your new co-workers see you as a complainer, someone who doesn’t value teamwork, and someone who will probably end up talking about your new co-workers behind their backs.

4. Being judgemental

Shun judging your co-workers. When you’re new to the job, you may be tempted to form some judgements right away about certain colleagues—that they’re annoying, disorganised, disloyal, or sloppy. But, while it’s somewhat unavoidable to make first impressions, those assumptions aren’t always accurate. After a few months of getting to know your colleagues, you will likely find out that underneath the seemingly sloppy work is a brilliantly creative mind.

5. Oversharing

According to Balance Careers, don’t share personal information so fast. You need time to determine who will keep that information confidential, who will spread gossip about you, and who will seize the opportunity to use that information to undermine your authority.

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6. Indecent dressing

Although some workplaces might not stipulate a dress code, the worst mistake to make as a new employee is dressing inappropriately.

Wearing loud and revealing outfits to work can communicate a negative message about you. It is effortless to follow a professional dress code, and wear clean, decent and ironed clothes to work every day.

7. Acting as ‘the know-it-all’

As a new employee, regardless of your pretty fair experience, it’s important you accept adding on to your knowledge rather than prove that you know everything. Your colleagues are well-versed with the procedure and working of this particular organisation and may know far better than what you do.

Interact with everyone in your office and try to get to know them better. This will assist you to get used to your team or office. Failure to communicate with others may be seen rude and ignorant.