6 Ways Of Dealing With Anxiety And Depression

Anxiety is a very common mental disorder. In Nigeria alone, about 13.3 million people suffer from this disease, making up 6.4% of the national population. World figures are much lower, 3.9% according to WHO.

The difference between a normal anxiety about something that is going to happen and the disorder is basically the following. After the anxiety-causing event passes, the person returns to normal life. For those who suffer from the disease, there will always be worrying events and symptoms, even if it is something small.

The disorder should normally be followed by specialists and may include medication. A researcher and doctoral student at the University of Cambridge in England found 6 strategies to help control anxiety. They do not replace the professional’s treatment or diagnosis, but they can ease the suffering.

1. Take care of thoughts

Pay attention to what goes through the head and eliminate what is not good help. To do this, the strategy is to set a time to let thoughts go freely about problems and concerns, allowing the brain to think about it for 20 minutes.

When the deadline is over, the mind must deal with other things.

A thought when it is not fed goes away, and with it, many symptoms of anxiety can be softened. As people who have the disorder are usually pessimistic, just do not feed negative thoughts, leaving them only that specific time of day.

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2. Take care of body and mind

Physical activities, preferably one that is pleasing to the individual, and calming the mind will also help. Research shows that the anxious picture drastically decreases for those who practice physical exercises and meditation for at least half an hour twice a week each. This practice has led to a decrease in negative thoughts in anxious people over the course of eight weeks. It also changes the depressive mood.

3. Have a Purpose

Experts have realized that people with the anxiety disorder do not have a very specific purpose. People with financial or other problems who had a life purpose do not have so much trouble with anxiety. For those who are alone, a purpose can be found in volunteering, caring for an elderly or sick person, or even an animal. Concern shifts a little from focus to purpose and ceases to grieve so much.

4. Be more positive

It is difficult for anxiety sufferers to see the good side of things because everything seems very difficult and without solution. When a bad thought arises from some problem, shifting focus to something positive will help prevent the worsening of anxiety symptoms. Paying attention to breathing is a simple tip. Admire the sky, nature or remember a pleasant moment with a relative too.

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5. Avoid thoughts about the future

Staying in the current time, living what is going on and not just thinking about what will happen helps in control as well. Those who suffer from anxiety usually think a lot in the future and the ideal would be to live what is happening at the moment.

6. Therapy

The practitioner will complement the strategy by providing ideas for performing the other items, guiding and comforting, and this will complete the help to lessen the harmful symptoms of the anxiety disorder.

Understanding a little more about the disease makes it easier to work for control and be happier.