10 Secrets of Getting Your Desired Christmas Gifts From Your Spouse (All wives must read)

During the yuletide season, people give and receive gifts .Gift is always given to loved ones especially during Christmas season and wives also wish their husbands give them gifts.Many get disappointed as the man may not even remember to buy gifts for them even though, he buys for other people.

Wives,you can also get your husbands to give you your desired gifts during this season by doing the following:

1. Pray for open door. The number one thing to do to get your Christmas gifts from him is to pray for doors of blessings and lifting to be opened to him. With the few weeks left in this year, God can still turn your family finances around. Remember God is not a man. Although many organizations are already balancing their accounts for the year, the Lord is still working round the clock. What he does not have, he can’t give. So, pray for uncommon favour and divine remembrance. The more you pray, the more his blessings, the bigger your gifts.

2. Settle past conflicts. Nursing old scores is closing new doors to gifts. So make sure you settle all rancours and misunderstanding now. Approach him for forgiveness, apologise on your knees, even if you think you are right. Honestly, I trust he will smile on you and include you in his x-mas and New Year spending budget.

3. Pamper him. Men are like babies. Any woman who does not know how to cuddle a man to get what she wants is not worthy to be a wife . Just like babies, men need to be taken of specially. Demonstrate exceptional love towards him; make him feel important. Cook and serve him specially. You can even spoon feed him like a baby. Believe me, you will get more than what you bargained for.

4. Appreciation. Appreciation open doors for greater favour. Appreciate your husband for all the has done for you, the children and your extended family in the passing year. Thank him for paying the children school fees, house rents and all he bought for you in the passing year. Even for eating your meals. You can even buy a “Thank you card” for him. This will make his head “swell” as every man wants to be appreciated.

5. Dress Neatly. Every man is always proud of a neat and beautiful wife. Outside, women dress to kill. Why not dress to impress your husband like Queen Esther did in the Bible and won the favour of her husband? Let your dressing capture his heart and his hand will release wonderful gifts to you. Never dress like an old woman.

6. Keep your home neat. When your home is homely, your husband will stay at home. He is your companion. Keep your home and children neat always and you will be his number fan. Cleanliness is next to loveliness. No man wants a dirty environment.

7. Attention. Give your husband attention. He wants and enjoys it, and you will enjoy it too. Don’t give all your attention to business, job or new born baby. He is your first lover. If you fail to give your attention to him now, he will not attend to your x-mas new/year needs.

8. Satisfy him. Satisfy your husband sexually and he will give you satisfying gifts. Be romantic, your body belongs to him. Give him your all.

9. By gift for his parents. Every man loves wives that love and buys gifts for their parents. Why not send some gifts to your mother and father-in-law right now if you must get the best from their son (your husband)? The truth is that, they will tell your husband and this will stir up the willingness to get you some special gifts for the season.

10. Buy gift for him. “A man’s gift maketh room for him”. (Prov.18:16). Wives, don’t just be an Oliver Twist, who always ask for more. Do you want fantastic gifts from your husband? Then this is the joker. Buy gifts for him. It’s your gift that will make room for you in his heart.

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